The kitchen is where food is prepared and stored, so it needs to be as clean as possible, but the appliances aren't actually the areas with the most bacteria, says one doctor.
Magnet Trade worked with medical program leader Dr Gareth Nye to learn all about germs, but he warned against using any one item entirely.
Kitchen utensils that are most susceptible to bacterial growth
Dr. Nye warned that the most bacteria-rich item in the kitchen is dish towels.
The doctor revealed the following about a study: “90% of dish towels in the UK are thought to be heavily contaminated with bacteria, compared to 20% of toilet flush handles.
“The toilet is superior to other kitchen areas such as kitchen faucets and countertops.”
Overall, Dr. Nye recommends not using dish towels at all, but if you do use them, they should be properly cleaned and stored. He said: “We recommend not using them, but if you do, you should wash them thoroughly after each use and rinse with an antibacterial detergent every two days to kill any bacteria that may be lurking.”
“Dish towels also need to be replaced every few months.”
He added that people should ideally switch to antibacterial wipes to clean surfaces, especially after cooking raw meat or poultry.
Dr. Nye recommends storing dish towels flat, dry, and away from potential sources of germs.
How to wash dish towels to ensure the removal of bacteria
Wash cloths on a hot cycle at 90°C.
Dr Nye said: “Ideally, dish towels should be washed in a washing machine at a suitable high temperature, such as a 90°C hot cycle, to ensure all bacteria is removed.”
He added that the fiber content of clothes should be checked before washing, as synthetic fibers cannot withstand high temperatures.
Make sure all food and dirt is removed
Dr. Nye said: “If you hand wash and disinfect cloths, be sure to wash them in hot, soapy water to ensure all food and dirt is removed before disinfecting.”
“After cleaning, it can be disinfected using hot water or disinfectant according to the manufacturer's instructions.”
Allow the cloth to dry completely between cleanings
Gareth advises homeowners: “You should also allow the cloth to dry completely between cleanings.”
Cloths that aren't properly dried can harbor bacteria, negating the benefit of cleaning them in the first place.
Please iron before use
“Steam is great at killing harmful bacteria, so ironing thoroughly before use is also a quick and effective way to disinfect.”