Recipe book
Recipes can be found in the food section of every newspaper. They are ubiquitous online and even have TV shows. Approximately 500 cooking shows are broadcast every day on television channels around the world, and there are hundreds of cooking magazines. Yet cookbooks remain popular. Although sales fluctuate slightly from year to year, they are generally stable. Approximately 20 million Or so.
Some people probably never use cookbooks, but most of us need to refer to them at least once in a while. All you really need is the joy of cooking. A person could cook with it every day for an average lifetime and would do pretty well. Joy of Cooking's meat section features locally renowned chefs and He once told me that if he liked at least three recipes in a cookbook, he would keep them. I have three of his books, all signed.
We have a small kitchen. I don't have enough counter space so I can't use cookbooks there. Plus, the food fills up all the pages, so I open the cookbook in another room and go back and forth looking for spices and such. -Short-term memory is very short-term. Recipes with lots of ingredients can be tiring. I sometimes print recipes and post them on the refrigerator, but it's hard to read and it's a waste.
Potential solution. I ordered the recipe holder that is under the counter. This required some negotiation with Mrs. SP, but she readily agreed. She also created a cardboard mockup. This one has a light on it so it should help my fading vision. It was on backorder (I'm sure it's popular), so it's an ongoing project. The problem may be resolved.