BBC Saturday Kitchen viewers are demanding answers after Matt Tebbutt was axed from the show. In Matt's place, Donal Skehan took the reins on the May 18 edition of the BBC show, which aired from 10am.
“Who's ready for the weekend?” the show's official account asked. “Tomorrow, @DonalSkehan will take the reins from @matt_tebbutt and join @SabrinaGhayour, @JackStein, @jollyolly and @eddieizzard in the studio. We can't wait!”
Another man said, “One mistake and Donalds' career was over. Donald think ahead (good luck).'' Another said: “Good job, @DonalSkehan – or should I really say that? A bra job!? Much less loud laughter and jokes – today we actually see what people are saying You can ask! And yes – I vote for the lovely Eddie – of course! #SaturdayKitchen.”
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“Does anyone remember when Saturday morning TV used to be fun? Now it's just the usual breakfast news show and endless cooking shows. It's been the same for at least the last 10 years. Totally corny!” said another. “Where's #Tebbut? #SaturdayKitchen,” another viewer asked, referring to Matt, who hosts the show after the BBC's Breakfast airs from 6am to 9am on Saturday mornings with Naga Munchetty and Charlie Staite. Ta.
This was echoed by other viewers who were tuning in: “#Saturdaykitchen Where is Matt today?”and someone else wrote : “I just turned on #SaturdayKitchen….James Martin, see you.” Meanwhile, another simply wrote: “Where's Matt?”
“Where's Matt?” asked another. “Donal…? No, he's had enough on this side of the pond,” another person commented on Twitter/X, with the episode lasting 90 minutes and airing until 11:30. morning.
“Turn #SaturdayKitchen on and off again,” said another user. “#SaturdayKitchen It's drizzling but I'd rather be in the garden. What a boring episode,” wrote another in a scathing review on social media after the episode aired.