A coworker recently asked me what I'd grab first if my kitchen were on fire. I mentally went through all my most beloved tools, from my Breville espresso machine and Ooni pizza oven to the countless beautiful Le Creuset, Staub, and Made In cookware. I also considered all my knives, including a great Japanese chef's knife and a Bob Kramer x Zwilling collaboration. Finally, I thought of an inexpensive Chinese kitchen knife I'd bought years ago while prepping my countertop, and I knew I was right.
It's a kind of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade At the end of the movie, when failure to choose the right chalice has dire consequences, he realizes that among all the shiny options, he should choose the oldest and most boring looking one. Similarly, my Winco Chinese knife is not flashy. It's not a particularly cool brand, and it doesn't attract attention when I have people over (although I personally think it looks great). And yet, it's my favorite tool in my kitchen. And it only cost $13.
Winco Chinese Knife
When I was younger, I worked in a restaurant, where I spent most of my time doing prep work in the basement kitchen. I would come in early every day and spend hours chopping vegetables and making sauces. On my first day working in the basement, I came in with my expensive chef's knife, ready to show off my amazing skills and cool tools. The guy I was working with, who'd been working there for years, took one look at my knife and said, “Hey, you shouldn't use that here. Go across the street and get this.” He held up a big, shiny knife that looked like something out of a horror movie. “This is like $10, and it's all I need to do this job.” I walked across the street to the International Market, where I found what is now probably my favorite kitchen tool.
Winco knives are the perfect knives. They're heavy enough to slice through bulky veggies like sweet potatoes and squash, yet sharp enough to chop herbs, onions, and garlic. They're made of stainless steel and wood, and are easy to clean. And, honestly, they're just a blast to use. There's nothing quite like chopping food with a comically huge knife. I love them.
And I'm not alone. You'll find this knife in every kitchen, from fine-dining Italian restaurants to fast-casual burrito joints. At least in my experience, this is one of the best-kept secrets in the industry: Anyone who has to do hours of tedious food prep doesn't necessarily want to use a $300 knife (though, admittedly, some tasks require a super-quality knife). What they do need is a big, reliable, sturdy knife. That's the Winco Chinese Chef's Knife.
Hopefully, my kitchen won't be on fire anytime soon. Still, it's only natural to me that the first thing I pick up also happens to be one of the cheapest I own, which says a lot about how much I love this knife. Whether you're looking for a new culinary pillar or simply want to add a fun new knife to your collection, this masterpiece (currently 34% off) is for you.
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At the time of publication, the price was $13.