The best and most detailed plan…
We have been part of a postcard production group for many years and have written thousands of political postcards for election campaigns across the country. Initially, we met at someone's home or other venue, but due to the coronavirus, we now have weekly meetings via Zoom. Through all of this, we have built relationships.
Last week's Kitchen Table was about our visit to Crane Canyon Regional Park, and we talked about our enthusiasm for the visit during our Zoom meeting. It was then suggested that we meet as a “real” group, and the plan took shape.
I expected the parking lot to be busy today. However, when we arrived, several cars from our group were parked on the road near the entrance. The park was closed. Behind the warning tape was a pile of blackened debris, including burnt electrical wires. A car, possibly an EV, appeared to be on fire at the entrance to the park.
On second thought, we suggested we meet at Spring Lake, a place we all know and love. After a few hiccups, it was resolved over the phone and we regrouped and had a great hike and fun conversation. The plan, which had been stalled, turned into a positive one.
Google didn't provide any information about the car that went up in flames, but it had already suggested creative scenarios, including drug trafficking and a Tesla malfunctioning.
There is one interesting result of the modified plan. As you can imagine, this is a very political group, but in nature we got to know each other in a completely different way. We never mentioned the possibility of impending disaster in this country, but it is never on our minds.
Speaking of food, my second attempt at Jessica Seinfeld's Ginger Salmon with Sesame Cucumber… went better than the previous one because I figured out the broiler on the stove. It was better than any fish I've ever eaten at a restaurant. Try it; you'll love it.