Businesses are not built on mere bones, they are built on breathing. It is the soul, not the skeleton, that gives life.
In today's climate, successful businesses are: more defined Not just our own products. Values are equally important. To truly differentiate, companies must identify a set of core values with authenticity, transparency, and unwavering behavior.
This means aligning every decision with a deeper purpose that creates positive change in our communities.
Malamsey exemplifies this purpose-driven approach. This brand is more than just a home decor brand. It is a product of the storyteller. Every aspect, from product manufacturing to customer interaction, is designed with a rich narrative. A focus on storytelling transforms Maramzy from a business to an experience.
“When people feel more involved in the process, they start to value craftsmanship more, and we value that very highly here at Malamsey as well,” says founder Malam Nazmy and creative director 's Sarah Ismail told Egypt Street.
searching for soul
Businesses don’t always come from one defining or “light bulb” moment. Instead, they can emerge from the recognition of hidden possibilities within everyday experience. Every encounter and detail has immeasurable value for your business.
For some, it is a cherished family tradition and a formative experience at home. For others, it can come from the most unexpected corners: a fleeting glimpse of the ordinary that resonates on a deep level.
The soul of Malamji, the very purpose that brings it to life, comes from Malam Nazmy's own story. In 2019, she found deep meaning in the connections she made with the people who brought her deer head design to life for her. These friendships and collaborations became the foundation of her Maramzy and were integrated into her DNA of the business.
While scrolling online, Mallam came across an article. image of deer head Not only did she identify with its strange charm, but she also felt a strong urge to use her architectural skills to create something. This burning desire to create something, regardless of her end product, led her to launch her business.
After exploring the alleyways of downtown Cairo, Mallam found someone who could bring his vision to life. This wasn't just a transaction. It was the beginning of a friendship and partnership. These people had unknowingly become the building blocks of her business.
Maramzy's artisans are more than just storytellers. They are the bridge that connects consumers to a deeper understanding of consumption. These help customers go beyond a simple purchase and understand the human connection behind each product.
“We share stories and photos of our artisans on social media and at exhibitions,” Nazmy and Ismail explain. “We don't just want to show you what's behind the scenes. We want their voices to be heard. We want every product, both on our packaging and on our website, to highlight the manufacturers and the effort that goes into their products.” I try to do that.”
This thoughtful approach continues to define our business today. For Malamsey, conscious consumption is the very foundation of the business, built on a set of core values.
conscious consumption
Malamsey's approach to conscious consumerism can be compared to a growing tree. Just as each part of a tree depends on the others, Malamsey's model connects customers, artisans and the wider community.
Seeds representing the customer's values feed the stems, which symbolize the artisans who create the product. These artisans spread their arms like leaves spread out, benefiting the broader community.
“At Maramji, conscious consumption is all about the consumer,” Nazmy and Ismail explain. “It's about empowering them to choose products that reflect their values and ethics. We encourage our customers to consider how their products are made and the impact they have on the world. recommend to.”
Driven by 'Creating Shared Value', a philosophy woven into every aspect of the company, Maramzy's business model caters to three distinct groups: artisans, customers and communities.
For customers, the goal is not just to sell a product. It's about strengthening their personality. “We offer our customers the opportunity to align their values with their home décor and create spaces that reflect their unique selves,” they explain.
Malamsey fosters a space for growth and recognition for artisans, giving them the opportunity to experiment, push creative boundaries, and have their talents duly recognized. “We coach them to maximize their potential and turn challenges into accomplishments that are truly celebratory.”
Empowering communities is also fundamental to their mission. To be released later this year,Art as a facilitatorThis initiative celebrates the power of art to transform and uplift communities by bringing art experiences to children in underprivileged communities and providing them with opportunities not available in school.
For the community, Maramzy's impact goes beyond empowerment. It fosters connections across Cairo's diverse communities. Through several initiatives, they create a window into the city's wholeness, revealing a common humanity that transcends the physical barriers that seem to divide us.
This philosophy isCairo lattice“Collection” with Malamsey as a partner om jijia talented housewife from Sharqia, famous for her authentic Egyptian cuisine.
Malamsey went beyond just showcasing the products by incorporating flair along with the visual delights of the collection. They have created a multisensory experience that connects guests directly to the essence of Cairo: its people, food, and the city's design, which is reflected in the collection.
Maramzy also helps customers become changemakers through .Art as a facilitator' Initiative. Launching later this year, the program will bring the arts to underprivileged children, unleashing their creativity and providing experiences beyond the classroom. With every purchase, customers contribute directly to this impactful program.
Take a look at the process
The beauty of being part of the Malamsey experience is gaining a window into the journey of art and witnessing firsthand how your purchases contribute to something bigger than yourself. It's a deeper connection between art and the artists who create it.
By peeking behind the curtain, from the materials to the artist's heart, consumers gain a deeper understanding of each work. Each piece is more than just a product, it has a deeper meaning.
This process begins with ethical sourcing that prioritizes fair treatment of workers and a healthy environment. “When we first start working with someone, we first ask how they treat the people they work with, whether they pay their employees well, and what the overall environment is like. I’m going to go see it,” Nazmy and Ismail explain.
“We involve artisans throughout the process and educate our customers about the manufacturer behind each product, including the time and expertise invested.”
The experience will be both digital and offline. Digitally, the website features an “ethics tag” that details the process and facilitates a direct connection between artisan and consumer through social media.
Maramzy takes that experience into the offline world, bringing its collections to life through immersive exhibitions. The launch of their 'Grids of Cairo' collection perfectly embodies this approach.
of user experience The content of the exhibition reflected the essence of the collection. To evoke the city's vibrant energy, Malam Namzy created a stunning art installation in which stacks of red bricks recreating Cairo's skyline are illuminated by the warm light of candles that reflect the city's minarets at sunset. is created.
This immersive experience allowed visitors to see Cairo with fresh eyes and explore its hidden depths. Beyond the traffic jams and billboards, this exhibition offered a glimpse into the soul of Cairo.
“We believe in transparency,” Nazmy and Ismail explain. “That's why we take our customers on a journey, from the first inspiration to the final product. We explore the story behind each piece, its connection to the city, and the way we bring it to life. share certain elements.
Driven by a soulful approach to business, it has become clear that Maramzy is more than just a brand, it is a gateway to the heart of Cairo. Every piece reflects the vibrant spirit and rich heritage that inspires them. It's a two-way street. Malamji captures the soul of Cairo and shares it with the world.