Or, you can always visit our website at WJCL.COM to learn more. Parker's Kitchen … working towards national honor. You can do your part to help them too…know it. The Savannah-based convenience store's signature creations…sausage…egg…and cheese biscuits…are shortlisted for Best Biscuit in the Garden and Guns 2024…South's Best Biscuit Competition . The Parkers will play in the finals. Voting is open to the public until tomorrow night…11:59 a.m. ET. <> (Olivia Parker – Manager of Outreach and Communications, Parker's Kitchen :15) “We really want our local community to help us win this honour. As you know, , go to the Garden and Gun website and vote for us. Vote once an hour. Voting closes at midnight tomorrow. So, we really have the best biscuits in the South. The final decision will be made whether or not.
Best biscuits in the South? Parker's Kitchen is up and running
Savannah-based convenience store advances to national finals
Parker's Kitchen is in the running for national honors. You can do your part to earn that honor. The Savannah-based convenience store's signature sausage, egg and cheese biscuits are a Garden and Guns 2024 nominee for Best Biscuit in the South. Best biscuit contest. The Parkers will compete against Tudor's Biscuit World Mountaineer Biscuits. Voting is open to the public until April 9th at 11:59pm ET. Members of the public can vote for their favorite biscuit for each hour. The grand prize will be announced on April 10th.
Parker's Kitchen strives for national honors, and you can help win them, too.
The Savannah-based convenience store's signature sausage, egg and cheese biscuits have been shortlisted for the Garden's Best Biscuits and Gunns 2024 Best Biscuits in the South competition.
Parker's competes with Tudor's Biscuit World Mountaineer Biscuits. Voting will be open until April 9th at 11:59pm ET.
The public can vote for their favorite biscuit every hour. The grand prize will be announced on April 10th.